Good deed? Indeed!

How it works

Starting in October each year, our donors can take delight in the 24 GOOD DEEDS Charity Advent Calendar that features surprising good deeds! Behind every door, they’ll find a project from a Canadian Charity. With as little as $24, our donors can support 24 projects locally and globally with a focus on healthcare, education, nutrition, nature, and the environment.

Donate online
For a donation starting at as little as $24, our donors can receive a calendar for themselves or, send one to friends and family along with a holiday greeting.
Open the doors
Donors will receive the Advent Calendar either in the mail before December 1, and/or via email. Every day in December leading up to Christmas, you will find out exactly what your donation is achieving. Each day there is a different charity project that you are supporting.
One good deed a day
Behind every door, our donors discover how good deeds can come true thanks to their support. Our project selection process guarantees that their donation has a specific and tangible impact.
Making change happen around the world
All GOOD DEEDS are implemented by 24 Canadian charities. Every contribution enables great impact both in Canada and around the world.

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